Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More Participation in ITForum

As part of a conversation on the ITForum concerning screen capture technologies, I exchanged information in a discussion with L. Dawley, a professor and dept. chair at Boise State University. Our conversation centered around the merits of vs. Camtasia for creating online tutorials and for use by students in product-based technology-based assignments.


  1. Isn't Jing just a demo version of Camtasia? Maybe I misunderstood that, but that was the initial impression I got.

  2. I think they are two different products. Jing is free on a limited basis but like most things, you can pay and get more features.
    I use it to create 5-minutes on-screen tutorials as well as for making screen shots. It is easy and the files are saved online so you can share them as urls or as embedded videos.
